My own epicurial adventures in Vancouver

Monday, January 7, 2008

Dine-Out Vancouver

HERE IS IS!!! THE EVENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Can you tell i'm excited? Dine out is finally here! running from January 16th to February 3rd, there are over 180 restaurants participating this year to satisfy your taste-buds.
For those of you who are unfamiliary, Dine out Vancouver offers diners prix fix menus at some of the most popular restaurants in the city. You can chose to have a 3 course menu at $15, $25 or $35 and it's a great excuse to get all your friends together to enjoy a good meal.
i'm sure alot of you already have your reservations taken care know I sure have! On the day the menus were released, I was patiently waiting for the Tourism Vancouver website to get back online so I can scour the best possible menu. (Their website always crashes due to the volume of foodies out there wanting a glimps to see who has the best offerings.) And at the same time, I was on making sure I get the resos I wanted. And my hard work paid off! I have reservations at La Vallee, Gastropod, Auroras, Elixir, Parkside and...the ultimate prize....LUMIERE'S!!! I heard Lumier's was booked all booked up on the first day of the menus being released! Well when it usually costs over $100 per person to eat there, everyone's gonna want in on a good deal. Plus i'm curious as to how Dale Mackay is holding up there. Rumour has it that both Feenie's and Lumier has been suffering from a lack on interest lately (read: empty as a can of beer at a frat house!) so hopefully, Dine out will boost them back up a bit. I'm sure you all know about Mr. Feenie's au revoir to his namesake so i won't dwell on it here....
Back to Dine out! I actually have a few other places that I'd love to check out but honestly, I don't think eating out every day for those 19 days will be good on my wallet or my waistline. But I do have a few extra reservations if anyone is interested. I have extras at Aurora's and Gastropod so if anyone wants to try them out, let me know!
Aside from the ones that i've already booked, I really also want to check out Nu and Trafalgers. There are only $25 menus so they are good eating at a great price!
Well boys and girls, I hope you have as good of a time during Dine out as I will be! I'll be sure to let you all know how mine goes but please leave some feedback on your Dine-out experiences! Just leave a note under this posting!
For those of you who want to look at the restaurant menus, here is the official Dine-Out Vancouver website:


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